1951, Yasujiro Ozu, Japan
Repeat Viewing, DVD
This is the very first Ozu film I ever saw and it remains among my favorite of all his work. Like many of the films he has made, there is a complex depth underneath the simplicity and lightheartedness. With reflection and repeat viewings Early Summer emerges as one of Ozu’s most emotionally complex and perfectly constructed films as it details the separation of the family through life inevitable changes. Even in its bittersweet sadness, there is a peacefulness to this film that makes it so wonderful. It is unfair or unjust to give general labels to Ozu’s work, but one can not help think of Buddhist philosophy when watching Ozu’s postwar masterpieces. Certainly the idea of ‘
'Mono no aware' (or the awareness of the transience of things) comes to mind in Ozu’s films. Early Summer may be one of the greatest expmaples of this. Capturing the family over three contrasting generations, Early Summer is beautiful and moving right up to it's final moments as the camera moves away from the village (with a rare Ozu tracking shot which works with the opening shot of waves to represent the change and the cycle of life).
>> More on Early Summer @ A2P Cinema's Yasujiro Ozu website
HERE >>> Here is a scene from Early Summer.
Is this a moment of
'Mono no aware' from Ozu?:
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